Wednesday 23 October 2013

meet.make.earl grey cupcakes.

Earl Grey Cupcakes

Last week Stephanie had to bring baked goods to work for a bake sale fundraiser, so we decided to get together to whip something up! It has been awhile since we have done any sort of baking. 

We do have a bit of a tea obsession around here, so when we came across this Earl Grey Cupcakes recipe on Fork and Flower we couldn't pass it up! 

Earl Grey Cupcakes

We doubled the recipe so there would be cupcakes for the bake sale, as well as a few for our bellies. As you can see.... we have no decorating skills. After attempting to use a bag to apply the frosting, we ended up spreading it on with a knife, and topping with a few chocolate sprinkles. 

Overall, this was a great recipe and they turned out really well. The frosting was delicious! Next time though, we would probably add some lemon zest to the batter to give these a bit of zip as they were a tad bland. 

Earl Grey Cupcakes

What is your favourite treat to take to a bake sale?


  1. I can't even tell you how many times I started out decorating with some bagged icing and ended with a spatula or butter knife haha

  2. So yummy! I never had Earl Grey cupcakes. I will veganize the recipe and make them too! Thanks for sharing!


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