Tuesday 15 October 2013

meet.make.baby blankets: part 5

So planning for my next baby blanket, I knew I didn't want to make anything too girly or boyish..

Whoa. Wait a second.. can you believe we're already at PART 5 of the blanket series??? Like I said, this was the season for baby blankets. 

Leaps and Stripes crochet baby blanket

When my lovely coworker told me she was expecting, I quickly whipped up this adorable pom pom toque for her. Because she didn't want to learn the gender of her lil'sprout, I decided to stick to the neutral colors. I started with grey, and branched out from there. 

Leaps and Stripes crochet baby blanket

The same can be said for this blanket creation! I used the Leaping Stripes and Blocks Blanket tutorial from Tamara at Mooglyblog, and edged the blanket with just two rows of single crochet in grey.

Leaps and Stripes crochet baby blanket

I began this blanket thinking I had lots of time to finish...but no, a baby shower was scheduled so this girl went into PANIC mode to finish!!! Haha. I'm pretty sure I had 5 crochet projects on the go at that time. (hands cramping..must finish on time..eyes crossing..) Anyone else been there?

Leaps and Stripes crochet baby blanket

I'm really happy with the way this blanket turned out, and I hope it gets used for lots of baby snuggles in the future!


  1. Adorable blanket! I'm pretty sure it will be filled with lots of baby hugs!❤
    Working on many projects together is my middle name lately! Lol!

  2. It looks fantastic! I love the color combination! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Ha ha, I just experienced the same kind of crochet panic that you described above - just finished the blanket in time for my mom's birthday. Phew!

    This is so cute, it will go fantastically with all the Legos this kid is going to play with sooner or later! :-)


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