
Saturday, 16 February 2013

meet.make.valentines yarn bomb.

Come on and Share Your Heart! We were excited to participate in the Sheepish Yarn Bomb hosted by Meredith at One Sheepish Girl

Throughout Valentines day, Hayley and Steph shared their #sheepishheartbomb's on our meet.make.laugh. Instagram account. Check it out for more fun pictures from the three of us!

From an ocean view, to a park bench all the way to the beautiful Empress Hotel; I felt my random acts of kindness were a success for Valentines Day! This was my first time Yarn-Bombing, and I cant wait to do it again! Yes, I did receive a few odd ball looks as I was Sharing my Hearts, but it was totally worth it.

It is exciting and a bit nerve-racking to hang something up in a random location, and even more nerve-racking to take pictures of it discreetly. Due to the rushing the pictures didn't turn out overly clear.... but you get the idea! :)

Did you participate in the Sheepish Heart Bomb? We would love for you to link to your post in the comments! 


  1. I have seen it on Instagram and I have to say that I love the idea! So cute!

  2. Love your hearts! It was so fun to join in and it's great to see where you left them. I felt pretty crazy taking pictures of my yarn bombs too haha!

    Claire x

  3. YAY! I had a lot of fun seeing your heart bombs on Instagram. The heart on the bench is so cute and I love the two toned hearts too!


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