
Wednesday, 13 February 2013 Valentines Edition

Happy Valentines Day! We hope everyone is feeling the love today, whether it be from a significant other, family or friends! 

We haven't done one of these in quite awhile.... but it's time for a post! And in honour of the holiday today, we thought we would share our favourite love songs. Thanks Anja, your post of romantic songs provided good inspiration for us to come up with our faves.

If it's a karaoke jam, then it's likely on of my favorites... What better way to say Happy Valentines Day then with Stevie Wonder?! 

I LOVE LOVE SONGS! Seriously, Who doesn't. The songs that mean the most to me are the ones that create memories. When this song plays my fiancé Kyle and I always seem to find each other and dance together. He knows I'm a sucker for a slow dance.

"Just know it was you all along who had a hold of my heart.."

 Well this was an easy pick for me.... Happy Together by The Turtles. I love it. This may or may not have been my wedding song... 

What is your favourite song for Valentines Day?


  1. Oh, I love love love Happy together! One of my all time favorites!

  2. I love your music posts! These are cute choices. I have a soft spot for Hayley's pick.

  3. Awww, "Happy together" is such a great song. Thanks for the shout-out, your post is so great with the video links! =)


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