
Thursday, 20 June 2013

Happy wife, happy life!

We're BAAAAAaaaaaack!
After the most amaaaazing wedding (I'm not biased at all..), Kyle and I jet-setted from one island (Vancouver Island) to another beautiful island of St. Lucia! Here, we spent our days relaaaaxing, drinking, eating, sleeping, ...not sleeping, drinking again and working on our tans. *Ahem* I mean, working on NOT getting sun burnt.

I thought I would share just a few snippets of our wonderful trip with you.. 
Kyle and I will definitely try to get back to St. Lucia some day. The picturesque beaches, the scenery, the kind and friendly locals..not to mention the RUM, needs to make your travel bucket-list.

Now that my wedding planning days are through, it's time to get back to some SERIOUS crafting with the ladies. Speaking of crafts, keep coming back to the blog as we will show you some of the DIY details of my wedding day in upcoming posts!

From dating (my high school grad!) to an engagement 10 years later! Time flies!


  1. The pictures are beautiful! I love the fact that you started dating at high school! I am so happy for you guys! What a wonderful honeymoon!

  2. Your photos look absolutely gorgeous! I've always wanted to travel to St. Lucia and seeing snippets from your trip make me want to go even more! Congrats on wedding!!

    xo jen

  3. Wow, what a wonderful vacation! It must be absolutely gorgeous there. We are all green with envy ;-)

    Looking forward to your new crafting projects!

  4. Looks like a beautiful honeymoon! Congratulations :-)

  5. Oh my goodness! First of all congratulations on your wedding! And secondly, St Lucia looks absolutely amazing! So beautiful.

  6. Oh how beautiful, and congratulations! I'm so envious of your tropical island honeymoon, summer just can't seem to get going here in the UK this year ... I am longing for our summer holidays to arrive!
    Em x

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