
Thursday, 23 May 2013 tea infused martini.

With Hayley's wedding coming up in just 2 DAYS, we are busy entertaining lots of friends!  We thought we would go into the meet.make.laugh. vault and pull out one of the first cocktails we made and share it... the tea infused martini! This is a drink we still make from time to time.

Instructions: Steep 6 TBSP's of loose green tea (we used Silk Road's Earl Green..... delicious!) in 2 cups of Gin for 20 minutes. When infusion is complete, strain the loose tea out of the gin. Though it is tempting to get every last drop of gin from the tea leaves.... refrain from squeezing out every last drop or it will be too bitter. Mix gin in a pitcher with tonic, ice and squeezed limes. Pour in a pretty glass for your ultimate drinking pleasure! 

We hope you enjoy this tasty treat! We sure will be in the next few days! 


  1. Tea infused? You all keep doing things I wouldn't imagine.

    Happy partying. :)

  2. Whoa, that sounds awesome. Do you cold-steep it, or is the gin warm? Happy wedding Hayley, and I hope everyone enjoys themselves!

  3. Two days? You must be so excited! Hope you're having a great wedding! =)

  4. I have never heard about this! Great idea! Thanks for sharing!
    And have a wonderful wedding!!

  5. Mmmmm... I love tea, so adding a bit of a kick to it sounds good to me!


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