
Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Black Forest Cream Pie

We are so excited to have the lovely Anja stopping by today to share a recipe.... Black Forest cream pie! Anja blogs over at Cocalores, and you must head over and visit her there! (After you finish reading through her post below of course :P)

Hi everyone! My name is Anja and I'm so glad to be guest posting here today. My very own little home on the web is Cocalores, where I blog about my creative endeavors (easy DIYs, crafts, crochet, and all other creative things that tickle my fancy) and sometimes dessert... there's always time for dessert, right?

May I just say I love meet.make.laugh.? Steph, Hayley and Cindy are some of the nicest girls out there, and if they didn't live 5000 miles away, I'd totally have them over for coffee and cake. So why not have a virtual coffee klatsch with Black Forest cream pie?

I'm from Germany, and Black Forest cream pie is a regional specialty. Usually, it is very rich and creamy and there's a lot of cherry schnaps in it. Don't get me wrong, I love the occasional cocktail, but I don't want liquor in my cake. So this recipe is a bit different, but soooo good!

For a coffee cake size, you'll need:
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 2 TS warm water
  • 2/3 cup flour
  • 3 TS corn starch
  • 2 TS cocoa powder
  • 1 glass sour cherry jam
  • 1 cup of whipping cream
  • 1 TS sugar
  • dark chocolate shavings
  • if it's already cherry season: some yummy sour cherries to decorate
How to make it:

1. Separate the eggs. Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they're stiff. Set them aside.

2. Mix the egg yolks with 2 TS warm water and the sugar. After a while of whisking, the mass will have a lighter color.

3. In a larger bowl, carefully put in the egg
whites. Pour the egg yolk mix over it. Then sift flour, corn starch and
cocoa powder onto it.

4. Carefully (!!!) whisk everything together.

5. Put the mass into a small baking pan (9 or 10 inch in diameter is perfect - if it's larger you'll have to double the recipe or you won't be able to cut layers).

6. Bake the cake at 330°F for about 25 minutes.

7. When the cake has cooled off, cut off its dome. Then cut the cake into three layers.

8. Cover each layer generously with sour cherry jam. I'm lucky because I've got a sour cherry tree in my backyard, so making jam is no problem, but using store-bought jam or preserve is also fine. (And if you haven't forgotten about the cherry schnaps I mentioned above: pour one shot glass of it over each layer before starting with the jam.)

9. Whisk the whipping cream with 2 TS sugar. Whipping cream stiffener can be added. Then spread it onto the cherry jam.

10. Repeat that for all the layers and re-assemble your cake. Add your chocolate shavings. Ta-daa! It is best served chilled.

11. And don't forget to cut yourself a large piece! (Nope, just kiddin', those were three pieces...)

If you enjoyed this delicious recipe, I'd love to see you over at my blog - there's lots of more stuff for you to discover!

PS In case you're wondering who I am:

THANKS Anja, this sounds amazing! We will definitely be making it in the near future. Now go head over to Cocalores and check out some amazing recipes and DIYs


  1. oh my that sounds and looks amazing!!! i'd probably eat far too many pieces of it :) xo

  2. Oh, I love Anja and her blog! :)
    And the cake looks delicious!Thanks for sharing!

  3. That cake looks really really good! I kind of want to try this out now! Not sure if we have Sour Cherry jam in the USA though, but I'm thinking of just putting some regular cherry jam on it. :)

    xx Denysia Yu

    1. In stores, you probably won't get any sour cherry jam (you don't get any in Germany either), but regular cherry works fine too, it's just a little bit sweeter, which is probably not a bad thing, right?

      Glad you like it - you really should try it, it's not that difficult!

  4. I should have known this was Anja's from the start - we love us some Black Forest Cake around these parts. Looks fantastic!

  5. This looks great! Usually, black forest cakes are too rich for me, but this version of the recipe seems to get it just right. Yum!

  6. omgosh... looks amazing. Cute blog guys :)

  7. That looks amazing!! Can I have a slice??

  8. Ahh this sounds divine! Thanks for sharing!
    Happy weekend ahead:)

  9. This looks beautiful I shall definitely try it during the holidays! I've posted a few recipes on my new blog and this has inspired me to post more! Keep up the good work on here, it's fab! :)


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