
Friday, 15 March 2013

meet.make.masquerade masks.

DIY masquerade masks for the ultimate bachelorette party!

The weekend before Hayley's big bachelorette extravaganza, we got together with our friend Danielle to put together some DIY accessories for our night on the town. We had come across a masquerade theme online and decided that was the perfect choice for Hayley's big night. We thought being incognito for the night would be appropriate, just in case we got a little out of hand! :P

Everyone coming had to bring their own mask, and we took advantage of an opportunity to get together and craft! We found basic masks in a local boutique, and then stopped by the dollar store, as well as raided our craft bin, to come up with some decorative accents. 

DIY masquerade masks for the ultimate bachelorette party!

DIY masquerade masks for the ultimate bachelorette party!

DIY masquerade masks for the ultimate bachelorette party!

We didn't add a lot of detail, we are realizing sometimes less is more! Notice the leftover flower pieces from our DIY Sandals? We didn't think those would ever come in handy! 

DIY masquerade masks for the ultimate bachelorette party!

Danielle's saucy purple mask

DIY masquerade masks for the ultimate bachelorette party!

Steph's gold diva mask

DIY masquerade masks for the ultimate bachelorette party!

Cindy's green vixen mask

We knew Hayley was planning to rock a lace dress, so when we came across the white lace mask we were sold. From the depths of the craft bin came an old string of tiny pearls, and it was just enough to trim the edges of the mask. 

It was hard not to go overboard and add more embellishments to the mask, but we decided that it was perfect in its simplicity. Isn't it pretty? And SO Hayley?

DIY masquerade masks for the ultimate bachelorette party!

Have we convinced you to have a masquerade party yet? It's so fun! 


  1. So cute! The lace and the gold one are my favorites =) What a fun idea to celebrate your weekend away! We never really get the chance to dress up like that, right?

  2. I've always wanted to have a masquerade party, maybe for my next birthday! Love the lace and gold ones, they're beautiful!

  3. You totally convinced me! :)

  4. These all turned out so cute! I know you had fun with them in Whistler :). The lace one for the bride is my fave!

  5. How fun! I'm planning a bachelorette party pretty soon and this is such a great idea! Thanks for linking up to Monday Funday!

  6. Aww they all came out so wonderfully! I really love the lace one!

  7. What great ersults you acheived cant belive how good these look, great Blog :o)

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