
Tuesday, 26 February 2013

meet.make.tropical ginger mojito.

As the dreary wet February days float by, we realized we are SO READY FOR SUMMER! We got together for another exciting ladies night in, and thought this tropical drink might just chase away those winter blues. 

Tropical Ginger Mojitos

We knew we wanted to create a cocktail with some ginger, but had a little trouble finding a recipe that appealed to all of us. So off to the grocery store we went and put together what we thought would be a winning combination. 

1/3 cup sugar
1 cup water
2 tbsp ginger, grated or chopped fine
handful mint leaves
tsp vanilla extract
spiced rum
club soda 
lime juice
fresh pineapple diced small

Simple Syrup: In a saucepan on medium heat combine sugar, water, ginger, mint leaves and vanilla. Heat until sugar is dissolved and let cool to room temperature. Makes enough syrup for approximately 6 drinks.

Add an 1-1.5 ounces of the simple syrup to 1 ounce of spiced rum over ice. Scoop in a spoonful of pineapple chunks and a couple mint leaves, and then top off with club soda. Squeeze some lime juice in, stir and serve.

Tropical Ginger Mojitos

This drink turned out quite tasty, and we definitely will be making it again with rum, or as a mocktail! The tiny chunks of pineapple added a bit of crunch to the drink.... which sounds weird, but somehow it totally worked with the ginger syrup. If you don't want the bits you could easily replace with larger pieces or with a splash of pineapple juice.

Tropical Ginger Mojitos



  1. This sounds delicious! I have some ginger at home that's just waiting to be in a mojito :)

  2. It is only noon but I feel like I need a drink now. :) Looks delicious!

  3. I love pineapple a lot so this is obviously already pinned. Love your drink ideas!

  4. You ladies know how to mix a good drink! This one definitely makes me look forward for summer. :)

  5. Mmmh, yummy! Thank goodness it's Friday night, definitely the right time for Mojitos! ;-)


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