
Thursday, 10 January 2013

meet.make.cross-stitch elbow patches.

Last weekend was a rainy, dreary, Sunday afternoon. A typical Victorian winter day... Hayley was out of town, and we wanted a lazy craft that would be easy to accomplish while watching a movie.

We came across this awesome DIY sweater from Uber Chic for Cheap and fell in love with it. It wasn't too labour intensive so a perfect project for our lazy Sunday. The two of us have really wanted to do elbow patches on sweaters for awhile so we decided to put our own spin on it!

After a quick trip to the mall (it helps Stephanie lives 200 metres from the closest shopping centre), we found the perfect sweaters to attempt our project... for $12. Perfect. 

This project was a lot of fun! We were a bit intimidated at first since it was different from anything we've done before but once we got the hang of it, it went pretty smoothly. Cindy decided on diamond shaped elbow patches while Stephanie followed the sweater DIY and made hearts.

Not being very familiar with cross stitch, we made some pretty sketchy templates. It was also a little harder to get the X's straight then we thought it would be, so our shapes definitely have a bit of character to them. But it was still a blast to do, and were able to accomplish the project while watching a movie (we watched Country Strong on netflix, and now both have a bit of a crush on Garrett Hedlund. What a cutie. And he can sing!)

Happy with the results - we will definitely wear them out and not just to the grocery store! 


  1. Very cute - love the idea and your version of it. For me, pink heart is the favorite =)

    By the way, is that awesome brick wall in your apartment? If so, I'm totally jealous!

  2. What a cute idea! I like the diamonds a lot. The colors you chose are so fun!
    With Luck

  3. Hey! just found your blog - what a great idea! I love the greeny colour!

  4. Adorable! I would love you to come join my Pin Me Linky Party that starts Friday morning at 8am CST. I allow up to 3 links each week!

  5. That is super cute! I love elbow pads :).

  6. These are so fun! I actually just bought an embroidery book. This would be a nice simple first project for me. :)

  7. I will definitely try this too. I love all kinds of elbow patches! Thanks for sharing!

  8. How about a heart near the wrist as in " wearing your heart on your sleeve."

  9. Just saw these over on MAKE and love the idea of cross stitch as elbow patches. I posted the top photo and a link back to you and MAKE on my truebluemeandyou blog.

  10. These are so cute!

  11. wo.oow.. I want to try soon..


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