
Thursday, 1 November 2012 track 9

Getting ready in the a.m. - you bet we are jamming! Driving to and from work - the tunes are cranked. Sitting at work writing emails - the headphones are likely on.

Simply put - we LOVE music and are constantly sharing artists and songs with each other. So we decided to start a weekly music sharing series!

Every week, each of us will pick a song to share with all of you. Sometimes there will be a theme, and sometimes not.

Share our love of music with us and tell us your favorite song each week!
This week's theme: Autumn theme song

Hayley: Miss Ellie. In my mind, this girl can do no wrong. I mean, playing for Will and Kate at their wedding reception? Please. This song is a cover of another favorite of mine, The Weeknd. It's a great tune for daydream-y walks outisde, crunching the leaves in your path and watching the rain fall through your window. So cozy up, and have a listen.

Cindy: Royal Wood is one of my favorite artists to listen to on a rainy fall day.... Even though this video is filmed on a beautiful summer day, it's a relaxing and cozy tune that you can play in the background while reading a book on the couch. 

Steph: Autumn is a time for sweaters, boots, more knitting and crocheting.... and mellow music. My current mellow music fave is Birdy, and this is her cover of a song from The Naked and Famous.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh! Thanks! I love finding new songs to obsess over. Loving the last one. Happy Friday! xo


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