
Tuesday, 13 November 2012 track 10

Getting ready in the a.m. - you bet we are jamming! Driving to and from work - the tunes are cranked. Sitting at work writing emails - the headphones are likely on.

Simply put - we LOVE music and are constantly sharing artists and songs with each other. So we decided to start a weekly music sharing series!

Every week, each of us will pick a song to share with all of you. Sometimes there will be a theme, and sometimes not.

Share our love of music with us and tell us your favorite song each week!
This week's theme: Songs that make you smile

Every once in awhile when you are having a bad day, you hear a certain song and it totally lifts your spirits.

Hayley: What is it with the 80's and their Killer Dance hits?? I love dancing along and clapping with the beats in Eddie Murphy's one and only hit song. Didn't even know Eddie Murphy could sing?...well he can't..but he tried, and I love it!

Cindy: I love this song for so many reasons! Who can possibly resist singing and dancing along to Whitney?! I sure can't!

Steph: For a song to lift my spirits it typically has to have a good beat, something that makes me want to start dancing. It also has to be a song I never get tired of. Viva la Vida by Cold Play totally fits the bill.... this song makes me happy.

What songs lift your spirits when you hear them?


  1. Great selection, girls! Funny little frog by Belle and Sebastian always makes me smile!

  2. I just can't hear "Party all the Time" without bobbing my head and giggling to myself :). Fun stuff!

  3. Viva la vida is such a great one :) Also i don't feel like dancing by the scissor sisters.

  4. OMG total 80s flashback. I can't get that Whitney Houston song out of my head now.

  5. Great songs! Super upbeat :)

  6. I love Coldplay - especially their newer stuff.

    Hope you guys all had a good thanksgiving!


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