
Thursday, 11 October 2012 track 8

Getting ready in the a.m. - you bet we are jamming! Driving to and from work - the tunes are cranked. Sitting at work writing emails - the headphones are likely on.

Simply put - we LOVE music and are constantly sharing artists and songs with each other. So we decided to start a weekly music sharing series!

Every week, each of us will pick a song to share with all of you. Sometimes there will be a theme, and sometimes not.

Share our love of music with us and tell us your favorite song each week!
This week's theme: Sappy love songs

Admit it.... every girl has a few they love! 

Hayley: Yup. I'm going there. Backstreet Boys, As Long as you Love Me. 
This may be as sappy as it gets...But admit it, you know aaaallll the words. Plus check out Nick Carter's bright blonde locks and stellar blue eyes - yup, that takes me back.

Cindy: Since Hayley covered BSB... I'll say that Peter Cetera's "Glory of Love" is my top pick for our sappy love song theme. A man that would fight for your honor? Cheesy, yes but what woman wouldn't be swept off her feet? The melody is catchy and the lyrics are bold - my kind of love song! 

Steph: Jill Barber..... I love her. She has such an old school sound, an amazing voice, and she is Canadian! Us ladies went to see her live, and if there is one word to describe her it would be enchanting. Never Quit Loving You is one of those timeless songs that makes you want to go give someone you love a hug. 

What is your favourite sappy love song?


  1. My Mom met Kevin from BSB at a restaurant once. :)
    My song is Yellow from Coldplay.

  2. Ha!! These are some good ones. I'd have to say any love saw by Boyz II Men always get me :).

  3. cute idea! one of my favorites is everybody by ingrid michaelson.
    i love your blog and am your newest follower! come follow along at XO


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