
Monday, 17 September 2012 track 5

Getting ready in the a.m. - you bet we are jamming! Driving to and from work - the tunes are cranked. Sitting at work writing emails - the headphones are likely on.

Simply put - we LOVE music and are constantly sharing artists and songs with each other. So we decided to start a weekly music sharing series!

Every week, each of us will pick a song to share with all of you. Sometimes there will be a theme, and sometimes not.

Share our love of music with us and tell us your favorite song each week!
This week's theme: Most memorable concert

Hayley: Genesis - We Can't Dance Tour

If you know me, but at all - you will know my idol is a Mr. Phil Collins.
Genesis is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE BANDS (once it was headed by Phil). I had their cassette tapes on constant repeat in my yellow walkman.

The We Can't Dance tour came to the Edmonton Coliseum, and it was the first BIG concert I had ever been to... I was Six!
I can distinctly remember dancing on the stadium seats to their amazing sound and show. Check out those moves!! Classic. From then on, I was hooked. Definitely my favorite concert memory.
This is a video from that much celebrated 1991 tour.

Cindy: Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds tour 

This concert took place while I was living in Vancouver. It was like being in an enormous night club, even the boyfriends who accompanied their ladies were dancing! 

Steph: Kanye and Jay-Z - Watch the Throne tour

So I have not been to near as many concerts as the lovely ladies above... but last December I headed to Vancouver with my husband and his brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law for the Watch the Throne tour.  This show was AMAZING. The energy in the room was un-real, and seeing the contrast of styles between Kanye and Jay-Z was really cool. 

WARNING: This video is full of explicit lyrics.... and may make you a bit dizzy, but it totally captures the vibe of the concert. 


  1. These concerts sound like so much fun! Great choices!

  2. i love love love justin timberlake! :D

    <3, Mimi
    Spirit Ink Tattoos Giveaway
    Too Much Soul Giveaway

  3. Oh! Oh! Oh! Now I have "I Can't Dance" stuck in my head- and it's really hard to dance right now with my enormous baby belly. Awww well- I can still sing and preggo waddle dance around my living room...

    It's GREAT to be a new follower! I can already tell ya'll have a ton o' fun around here! Yay!


  4. I love concerts and festivals! Rock am Ring in Germany is pretty cool and there was a festival called "Bizarre festival" which was amazing. And I saw Robbie Williams 3 times, he is such a great entertainer! Loved it!


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