
Monday, 27 August 2012 track 2

Getting ready in the a.m. - you bet we are jamming! Driving to and from work - the tunes are cranked. Sitting at work writing emails - the headphones are likely on.

Simply put - we LOVE music and are constantly sharing artists and songs with each other. So we decided to start a weekly music sharing series!

Every week, each of us will pick a song to share with all of you. Sometimes there will be a theme, and sometimes not.

Share our love of music with us and tell us your favorite song each week!

This week's theme: Canadiana


David Simard - The Knife

Originally from British Columbia, I was introduced to him at Grumpy's Bar in Montreal and quickly fell in love with his distinct sound. It's been named "Avant-Garde Folk" by some. His album Slower, Lower has been on a constant repeat around me since then.
Side Note: The Ladies of meet.make.laugh actually had the pleasure of seeing him LIVE here in Victoria just this past weekend! David is definitely one to watch out for.



Current Swell - Too Cold

Man, can they put on a good show!! Very down to earth, and great energy. First time I saw them perform was at the Jon and Roy Christmas Special in 2009. Been a huge fan since and looking forward to their next show! I love all their songs but here's one from their new album "Long Time Ago."


Hey Ocean! - Big Blue Wave

I have loved Hey Ocean!, from Vancouver, ever since my brother introduced me to them years and years ago. Their most recent album is most definitely my favourite, and I love this song! 


  1. Hmmm... love the theme, but I have too many to choose from. I think I'd have to go with this one though... Weighty Ghost by Wintersleep. And everytime I listen to it, I think of Joshua Jackson driving across Canada :)

  2. This is a good idea - although I have been a bit wary about including video on my blog, worrying that it would soak up people's bandwidth. Have a great week!

  3. Oooh, what a cool idea, and thanks to introducing me to some new music!!

  4. Cute Idea!! I always have music on too!

    Found your blog from the GFC blog hop :)
    i'm your newest follower!

  5. Thanks for the new tunes!


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