
Saturday, 14 July 2012

meet.make.laugh... remixed!!

We have been up and running for 6 months, and are still learning the ropes of the blog world, but we thought it was time for a remix. Thanks to all our friends and followers who have joined in our adventures as we work the kinks out.

So when we say our DIY blog.... we mean our DIY blog. We realize it's not the work of a web designer, but we had a lot of fun sitting around a coffee shop and arguing over header fonts. We think it captures a little taste of all three of us. 

So... how'd we do? What do you think?


  1. i really like it. awesome job! :)

  2. You all look like you have so much fun together!! I want to hang out with you all:)

  3. I personally am a fan of your header (I also use Quicksand font for mine!) I like the feel here on your blog. I wish my girlfriends would craft with me. They say they want to but I end up lugging in all my supplies to their house and 2 bottles of wine later we still haven't touched it. Oh well, conversation and makeup tips are just as fun.


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